Make your route, save and share: 4 routing engines on 1 page.
Ändrades senast:23 augusti 2024
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5 tn+
Compare multiple directions services in one application.

My Routes is created as an example of Google Web Application and Google Apps add-on, and is meant for demonstration purposes. It allows to compare map and routing services from different providers on the same page, and visualize route planning based on the waypoints’ addresses stored in your Google Sheets, Documents or pasted from the clipboard.

An approach to the automated localization on the fly with translation management is also demonstrated.

Disclaimer: Most of the maps APIs requests have a complimentary per-day quota. You can extend your daily limits by using apps My Routes at or Go Home at with your Google Account and enabling your own API keys for every or certain maps APIs. Personal profiles and individual records are available in those apps.
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