Qalam is your smart writing assistant.
Ändrades senast:25 juli 2024
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Qalam is your smart writing assistant. 

Qalam Google Workspace Add-on will enhance your writing by checking the spelling mistakes and suggesting appropriate words depending on the context of the text.

💡 Why Qalam?

Do you have trouble writing a free misspelled Arabic text? Qalam will help you with that. Qalam Google Workspace Add-on will support you with several tasks to ensure that your writing is consistent and accurate. 

Qalam Google Workspace Add-on will be:

Checking for common mistakes in writing in Arabic.

Carefully check Hamzah's proper writing.

Solving the confusion between ا (Alf) and ى (Yaa Maqsorah).

Deleting duplicate characters randomly.

Dealing with typos.
.. And many other mistakes and spelling rules.

☀ What is Qalam?

Qalam was built using artificial intelligence to assist the user in Arabic writing. It utilizes the NLP techniques to check misspelled or miss-put words and suggest the proper corrections. 

🖊 How does Qalam work?

Qalam operates with simplicity. It marks incorrect words with colored labels, and a single click reveals context-based suggestions. You can even dismiss the error with a click on the 'Ignore' button.
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