Text Analytics and Sentiment Analysis add-on
호환 기기:
Try our powerful add-on for Google Sheets. Stop wasting your time, let artificial intelligence turn your text documents into essential data! 

Power up your text analysis in Google Sheets and make it more effective! 
- Unprecedented accuracy around 90%.
- Automated tool that saves your time.
- Simply integrated into Google Sheets.
- Integrated reporting in PowerBI or Tableau.

This easy to use add-on will help you to gain a better insight into your data. Improve your productivity, be more competitive!

With TEXT2DATA add-on for Google Sheets you can:
- Perform Sentiment Analysis of your text documents (or tweets), identify what is positive, neutral or negative.
- Get detailed report on entities, concepts or themes,
- Get information on important keywords and their polarity in the document,
- Detect information like: emotions, slang, spam or languages,
- Classify your text documents into your own user categories,
- Extract information from documents using your pre-trained models,
- Perform advanced data mining,
- Build impressive reports in PowerBI or Tableau (available in "Enterprise" plan).

You might also try our Excel Add-In which has even more features  https://text2data.com/Excel

At TEXT2DATA, we believe Artificial intelligence and Natural Language Processing are the future! Our mission is to provide powerful and precise Text Analytics services to improve companies’ understanding of customers. Our tool uses NLP / Deep learning (Natural Language Processing) along with proprietary algorithms to deliver high-quality cloud-based solutions to your business. 

Read more about TEXT2DATA at https://text2data.com
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Ⓣ Text Analytics | text2data.com에서 아래에 표시된 권한을 요청합니다. 자세히 알아보기
Ⓣ Text Analytics | text2data.com에서 Google 계정에 액세스해야 함
이렇게 하면 Ⓣ Text Analytics | text2data.com에서 다음 작업을 할 수 있습니다.
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