Copy and paste is achieved when working with multiple open copies of the same spreadsheet
정보 업데이트:2022년 8월 20일
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As of July 2022, Google Spreadsheets allows you to open two URLs of the same spreadsheet and copy and paste them, for example, when working on dual monitors. However, that method does not reflect cell formatting, and you cannot move rows or columns as you can with cut and paste.

The add-on “Copipe!” allows you to copy and paste, move lines, etc., even in sheets that are opened separately in the browser.

*However, you can only copy and paste, move rows, etc. between the same spreadsheets.

This application is Japanese compatible and will automatically display in Japanese if the user is using Google services primarily in Japanese

- Copy and paste and cut and paste between different browser tabs by leaving a named range of information
- Paste without formatting in the same situation
- Moving rows (cut & paste rows) and columns
- Conversion of absolute/relative references of formulas contained in cells in the “A1” reference format
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