Web whiteboard for instant collaboration. Sketch, brainstorm and share your ideas.
Zápis aktualizován:21. listopadu 2024
58 tis.+
NOTE:  If you encountered issue such as:
►  not being able to display the add-on's menu
►  the add-on's sidebar appearing blank
►  not being able to install the add-on
Most likely because you have multiple accounts logged into your browser. You need to Log out from all the accounts in your browser and only log in to the one you want to use with our add-on.

► Introduction
Collaborative Whiteboard is a powerful Google Meet™ add-on that transforms your virtual meetings into interactive collaboration sessions. This intuitive whiteboard tool enables real-time visual communication, making remote discussions more engaging and productive.

► Key Features
• Instant Whiteboard Access: Launch a collaborative whiteboard directly within your Google Meet™ session
• Real-time Collaboration: Multiple participants can draw, write, and interact simultaneously
• Rich Drawing Tools: Access to various tools including pen, shapes, text, and selection tools
• Canvas Management: Zoom, pan, and navigate your whiteboard canvas effortlessly
• Clean Interface: User-friendly design that integrates seamlessly with Google Meet™
• Cross-platform Compatibility: Works on any device with a web browser

► How to Use
1. Join or start a Google Meet™ session
2. Click the Activities button (usually located in the bottom-right)
3. Select "Collaborative Whiteboard" from the add-ons list
4. Click "Start a whiteboard" to begin collaboration
5. Use the toolbar at the top to access different drawing tools
6. Share your whiteboard with participants automatically

► Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can all participants use the whiteboard?
A: Yes, all meeting participants can collaborate on the whiteboard simultaneously.

Q: Do I need to install any software?
A: No, the whiteboard runs directly in your browser within Google Meet™.

Q: Can I save my whiteboard?
A: Yes, you can save and export your work for future reference.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of collaborators?
A: The whiteboard supports all participants in your Google Meet™ session.

►  Privacy Policy
By design, your data stays at all times on your account, never saved in our database. Your data aren't shared with anyone, including the add-on owner. 
We complies with privacy laws (especially GDPR & California Privacy Act) to protect your data. 
Další informace
CenyBez dalších poplatků
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Collaborative Whiteboard požádá o oprávnění uvedená níže. Další informace
Collaborative Whiteboard bude potřebovat přístup k vašemu účtu Google
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