Get a list of all folders and/or files from a Google Drive folder
Ändrades senast:23 februari 2023
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13 tn+
Use the Google Spreadsheet add-on to get a list of your folders and / or files in a Google Drive folder which you specify. The add-on ensures that you have a list in the spreadsheet that you can sort, compare or filter when you need so. Optional you can get insights in the sharing of your files.

Intended use cases:
- compare file lists during a migration 
- easily get an overview of all files and sub folders
- determine which files take up a lot of space in a specific folder
- determine the file types
- count the number of files

Note, with your account you only have a few minutes to scan the folder. Using a Google Workspace account will provide you more run time to do a folder scan. 

The datasheet shows the files and folders. 

The sheet 'Insights' shows some statistics about the files and folders in the Data sheet. Provide feedback about your analytic needs. Email

#storageManagement, #fileManagement, #fileTypeOverview, #fileSize, #fileCount, #driveInsights. #driveSharing
Ytterligare information
123 Folder scan frågar efter de behörigheter som visas nedan. Läs mer
123 Folder scan behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
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