The Google Spreadsheet™ add-on can be used to sync your Google Fit™ data to your spreadsheet.
Ändrades senast:5 april 2023
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The Google Spreadsheet™ add-on can be used to sync your Google Fit™ data to your spreadsheet. Easily capture the progress, and display it in custom charts or tables. Keep the data as long as you want. 

After creating  a new Google Spreadsheet and adding the add-on 1-2-3 Sync for Google Fit you take the following steps:
 - Specify the Start date to get your initial data
 - Decide which data to sync and start your sync
 - Setup a schedule to get new data automatically in the spreadsheet 

After the add-on schedule is activated the script runs on the specified period and adds new data points to your Google Spreadsheet. Keep track of your trends. You might want to add some charts to your spreadsheet. 

Example use cases;
- view your data  on your laptop, instead of on the smartphone only
- share the spreadsheet with your personal training coach or training buddies

See the help guide for more information.
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123 Sync for Google Fit frågar efter de behörigheter som visas nedan. Läs mer
123 Sync for Google Fit behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
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Visa dina personliga uppgifter, inklusive personliga uppgifter som du har gjort offentliga
Använda Google Fitness för att se och lagra data om din fysiska aktivitet
Se information om din kroppsdata i Google Fitness
Se din pulsdata i Google Fitness. Jag samtycker till att Google delar information om min puls med denna app.
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