Use the Google Spreadsheet™ add-on '123 Toolkit for Chrome OS' to get a list of your Google Chrome OS devices in a Google Spreadsheet™ and manage the devices.
Дата оновлення:23 лютого 2023 р.
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74 тис.+
Use the Google Spreadsheet™ add-on '123 Toolkit for Chrome OS' to get a list of your Google Chrome OS devices in a Google Spreadsheet™. The add-on ensures that you have a list in the spreadsheet that you can sort / compare or filter device data when you need so. You can also perform (bulk) actions on the Chrome OS devices.

Some example use case; the  add-on can be used to:
 * View all Chrome OS devices in the Google Workspace domain
 * Track the status (e.g. OS version, device support end dates, last user, last sync) of your devices
 * Remote powerwash the devices or remotely remove all user profiles from the device
 * Move devices to a new Organisation Unit (OU)
 * Disable (stolen/lost) Chrome OS devices
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