Use the Google Spreadsheet™ add-on '123 Sync Toolkit for Domain Contacts' to manage your Google Domain Shared External Contacts from the Google Directory in a Google Spreadsheet.
Дата оновлення:8 січня 2023 р.
4 тис.+
You need to be a Google Workspace super administrator in your domain to be able to use this.

Use the Google Spreadsheet™ add-on '123 Sync Toolkit for Domain Contacts' to manage your Google Domain Shared External Contacts from the Google Directory in a Google Spreadsheet.

 * Objective * 
The add-on ensures that you can create, edit and delete your domain shared external contacts in the Google Directory. 

 * Domain Shared External contacts *
New to 'Shared external contacts' in the Google Directory? See Google Workspace admin help page: or for the more techies, you might be interested in the API documentation:

 * How it works *
The Google Spreadsheet™ add-on gets a list of Domain shared External contacts into the spreadsheet. From the spreadsheet you can Add, Edit or Delete the contacts. Some example use case; the  spreadsheet with the list can be used to:
- Add, Edit, and Delete Google Domain Shared external contacts in to your Google Directory 
- View all your Google Domain Shared external contacts
- Easily print the Contact data from your spreadsheet
- Use the contact data in mail merge tools

#G Suite domain shared contacts
#domain shared contacts Google Workspace
#domain shared contacts G Suite
#Google Workspace shared contacts
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