Manage your conversations in Accelo directly from Gmail.
Listingan diperbarui:13 Agustus 2024
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We all rely on email to service our clients, and since delivering great service is a team sport, isn't it time your inbox became a lot smarter?

Introducing Accelo's Gmail Add-on, a powerful way to bring all the important context around email conversations to where you have them - Gmail!

By combining Accelo's unique automated email tracking with its ability to manage the complete Service Operations lifecycle - from Quote to Cash - for any service business or team, this Gmail Add-on allows anyone to see the full context of an email conversation without leaving Gmail.

Examples of the benefits of this add-on include:
- Seeing the rest of the messages in a thread without having to be copied in on all of them as a recipient.
- Being able to see and create tasks from the email directly in Accelo without leaving Gmail*
- Seeing if your colleagues have already replied to a client email or enquiry so you know whether to reply or not.
- Seeing the details of the client the email is to/from (such as their status or billing tier) without leaving Gmail*
- Seeing the details of the sale the email is related to (such as its status or value) without leaving Gmail*
- Seeing the details of the project the email is related to (such as its budget or deadline) without leaving Gmail*
- Seeing the details of the retainer the email is related to (such as renewal date or allowance) without leaving Gmail*

* This add-on is currently in beta - some features will be introduced gradually as the beta period progresses to full release.
Informasi tambahan
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DukunganTidak tersedia
Accelo for Gmail akan meminta agar izin ditampilkan di bawah ini. Pelajari lebih lanjut
Accelo for Gmail akan memerlukan akses ke Akun Google Anda
Hal ini akan mengizinkan Accelo for Gmail untuk:
Mengelola draf dan mengirim email saat Anda berinteraksi dengan add-on
Melihat metadata pesan email saat add-on dijalankan
Jalankan sebagai add-on Gmail
Menghubungkan ke layanan eksternal
Melihat dan mengelola data yang dikaitkan dengan aplikasi
Melihat negara, bahasa, dan zona waktu Anda
Melihat alamat email Akun Google primer Anda
Melihat info pribadi Anda, termasuk info pribadi Anda yang tersedia untuk publik
Hapus penelusuran
Tutup penelusuran
Aplikasi Google
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