Manage your conversations in Accelo directly from Gmail.
Дата оновлення:11 вересня 2023 р.
8 тис.+
We all rely on email to service our clients, and since delivering great service is a team sport, isn't it time your inbox became a lot smarter?

Introducing Accelo's Gmail Add-on, a powerful way to bring all the important context around email conversations to where you have them - Gmail!

By combining Accelo's unique automated email tracking with its ability to manage the complete Service Operations lifecycle - from Quote to Cash - for any service business or team, this Gmail Add-on allows anyone to see the full context of an email conversation without leaving Gmail.

Examples of the benefits of this add-on include:
- Seeing the rest of the messages in a thread without having to be copied in on all of them as a recipient.
- Being able to see and create tasks from the email directly in Accelo without leaving Gmail*
- Seeing if your colleagues have already replied to a client email or enquiry so you know whether to reply or not.
- Seeing the details of the client the email is to/from (such as their status or billing tier) without leaving Gmail*
- Seeing the details of the sale the email is related to (such as its status or value) without leaving Gmail*
- Seeing the details of the project the email is related to (such as its budget or deadline) without leaving Gmail*
- Seeing the details of the retainer the email is related to (such as renewal date or allowance) without leaving Gmail*

* This add-on is currently in beta - some features will be introduced gradually as the beta period progresses to full release.
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Додаток Accelo for Gmail запитає наведені нижче дозволи. Докладніше
Додатку Accelo for Gmail буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
Після цього додаток Accelo for Gmail зможе:
Керування чернетками та надсилання електронних листів, коли ви взаємодієте з доповненням
Перегляд метаданих електронних листів під час запуску доповнення
Запуск як доповнення для Gmail
Під’єднання до зовнішніх служб
Перегляд пов’язаних із програмою даних і керування ними
Перегляд країни, мови та часового поясу
Переглядати основну електронну адресу облікового запису Google
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