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The Achievers for Google Chat™ app provides Achievers users with notifications when they have been recognized directly in their workspace.
정보 업데이트:2024년 4월 25일
호환 기기:
Achievers is an employee engagement platform that allows users to celebrate their colleagues through recognition. Our Google Chat™ app enables Achievers customers to receive notifications directly in their workspace, informing them about recognition they have received or should be aware of.

Our app will notify you in your Google Chat™ when the following events occur:
- You have been recognized by another user.
- You have received a boost on your recognition.
- A recognition has been made to someone you work closely with.
- If you are a leader, when your team members have been recognized.

You must have your Google™ Account associated with your company's Achievers account to use this app.
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Google Chat에서 메시지 작성 및 전송
기본 Google 계정의 이메일 주소 확인
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정렬 기준:
Google에서는 리뷰나 평점을 확인하지 않습니다. 리뷰에 대해 자세히 알아보기
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Chat 슬래시 명령어
Achievers 앱에 명령하려면 메시지 입력란에 다음 명령어 중 하나를 입력하거나 Chat의 통합 메뉴에서 명령어를 선택하세요.