The Achievers for Gmail add-on puts recognition in the flow of work by adding the ability to show appreciation for colleagues’ great work right from within Gmail
Дата оновлення:28 березня 2023 р.
74 тис.+
Achievers offers the Employee Engagement Platform, which combines the highest-adopted employee recognition software with the Allie Active Listening Interface™ to deliver a complete employee engagement solution. With Achievers for Gmail, you can show appreciation to your colleagues when an email reminds you of the great work that they're doing. Once installed, the add-in will appear along the top of any email and, by clicking on it, you'll be able to complete a recognition to all (or select) recipients on the email. It is recognition while in the flow of work.
Please note that you must have an Achievers account to use Achievers for Gmail add-on. Interested in learning more about Achievers? Visit
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