Use this add-on to extend Acumatica CRM functionality into Gmail™. Seamlessly create leads, contacts, cases, opportunities or vendor bills. View related Acumatica records for an existing contact.
Дата оновлення:19 березня 2024 р.
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Level up your customer relationship with Acumatica integration to Gmail™. This add-on extends key CRM functionality from Acumatica to Gmail™. 

✅ Create or relate new contacts and leads. The add-on will check to see if the contact’s email address already exists in the system and provide options to create a new contact or add the email address from the currently opened email to another contact in Acumatica. You can then create a new lead based on the contact.
✅ Streamline cases or opportunities. For matching contact or lead records, quickly create related cases or opportunities and log the email as an activity with the record. The email content can then be accessed from the Activities tab of the record.
✅ Automatically generate vendor bills. Leverage Acumatica’s powerful AP Document Recognition engine powered by AI/ML to take incoming PDF bills and create Vendor Invoices with just a few clicks.

⚠️ Note: This free add-on still requires the purchase of Gmail™ plugin from Acumatica. AP Document Recognition purchase is required for automatic AP document generation from PDF documents.
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