Drive Facebook Ads performance by leveraging actionable insights from Ad Insights (By Digital Mozarts)
Ändrades senast:12 mars 2025
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Ad Insights add-on helps you drive Facebook ads performance - scale and cost reduction - by providing truly actionable insights. The app is power-packed with features that digital marketers would love : 

1. FACEBOOK ADS CREATIVE ANALYSIS: "Ah, This is the perfect tool for creative analysis" - A common feedback from our beloved customers. The app boasts of features such as: 

- Performance snapshot : See performance of all your Facebook ad creatives in one single graphical view with creative previews. 

- Text Analysis : Prefer a word cloud for phrase analysis? We have exactly that. Use any metrics and discover what phrases drive performance 

- Image Analysis: Leverage our AI engine and learn what elements of your images are influencing your key performance metric . 

2. FACEBOOK AUDIENCE SCALAR: Has your performance saturated on Facebook? Our Facebook audience explorer will help you achieve additional scale by uncovering  newer audiences, which are relevant to your business.  

3. FACEBOOK TARGETING AUDIT : What is the costliest mistake in digital marketing? Incorrect Targeting. You get that wrong, your campaign is bound to lose money. Our Targeting Audit utility helps you fetch and verify targeting across your multiple campaigns in one click by bringing data to your spreadsheet. 

4 REPORTING: Get all your ad reports in one single click, right to your spreadsheet. 
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