Receive email reminders before dates in a specific column of your Sheet are reached.
Fiche mise à jour le :3 avril 2024
Compatible avec :
2 M+
Google Sheets is very useful when it comes to listing tasks in a collaborative effort: personal to-do lists with friends and family or task lists as a project management interface requiring team-wide coordination.
Add Reminders will help you save time by automating a time-consuming process: sending reminders to your contacts and to yourself.

Set up notifications to be sent months, weeks, days or hours before / after each deadline. 
Choose who to notify for each task by adding email addresses in a designated column, separating addresses with a comma. Your contacts will get the notifications according to the settings you chose as well as a direct access to the spreadsheet.

Add Reminders is helpful for personal and / or professional use.
In your personal life
- Send reminders to yourself and your partner about bills to pay before a specific deadline
- In your collaborative blog, send reminders about a list of videos / articles to put online at a specific date by specific people
- Receive a reminder about books to return to the library (especially useful if return dates are different according to the books)
- When preparing a trip far ahead: get a reminder the day before tickets sale opens for a plane, a train…

At work
- Schedule reminders for coworkers to contact clients X days after their payment deadline is overdue
- On the day after each meeting, send automatic reminders to coworkers to write reports
- When working on a collaborative project, send reminders about tasks to accomplish before or after specific stepping stones.
- Send reminders to employees or members of an association when it’s time to renew annual fees

- Send reminders to a whole class when papers are due in a few days
- Send reminders to parents a week before each teacher / parent meetings or any other important event at school
Informations supplémentaires
TarifsSans frais
Règles de confidentialité
Conditions d'utilisation
Add Reminders vous demandera les autorisations ci-dessous. En savoir plus
Add Reminders aura besoin d'accéder à votre compte Google
Add Reminders pourra ainsi effectuer les actions suivantes :
Consulter, modifier, créer et supprimer toutes vos feuilles de calcul Google Sheets
Vous connecter à un service externe
Autoriser l'exécution de cette application en votre absence
Envoyer des e-mails depuis votre adresse
Afficher et gérer les données associées à l'application
Afficher l'adresse e-mail principale associée à votre compte Google
Consulter vos informations personnelles, y compris celles que vous avez choisi de rendre disponibles publiquement
Effacer la recherche
Fermer le champ de recherche
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