Elevate your Google Slides™, Google Docs™, and Google Sheets™ with masked images and infographics.
Ändrades senast:8 juni 2023
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AddPicto — Free for Google Slides™, Google Docs™, and Google Sheets™

Need to make a presentation and want to create dynamic layouts with masked images in unique shapes that isn’t one of the default shapes in Google Slides™?

Tired of using external tools to create masked images, then get constant requests from co-workers to update these masked images?

Want to quickly create a unique infographic using your SVG shapes but can’t.

Then consider trying AddPicto.
AddPicto Mask: Select from an ever increasing library of shapes to use as a mask. Search Unsplash™ for royalty-free images to mask in your selection, or upload your own images from your desktop.

AddPicto: Infographic: Select from a collection of shapes or upload your own SVG shape to use for your infographic. Manually enter in your data or link your Google Sheets™ to create your infographics.

Don’t see a shape you need? Feel free to make a request and we’ll be more than happy to help.
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AddPicto - Free Infographic & Masked Images Maker frågar efter de behörigheter som visas nedan. Läs mer
AddPicto - Free Infographic & Masked Images Maker behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
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Se, redigera, skapa och radera alla dina dokument i Google Dokument
Visa, redigera, skapa och radera alla dina filer på Google Drive
Se, redigera, skapa och radera alla dina presentationer i Google Presentationer
Se, redigera, skapa och radera alla dina kalkylark i Google Kalkylark
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