Unlock student creativity with stunning visual stories. Create impactful social graphics, web pages, and short videos in minutes!
정보 업데이트:2023년 8월 16일
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Help students of all grade levels push their creative thinking and communication with Adobe Express. Adobe Express empowers teachers to introduce creativity into the classroom by giving students a fun, easy, and engaging tool to create posters, infographics, web pages, and videos. Access thousands of education templates aligned to your grade-level and content area and quickly assign them to students in Google Classroom. 

Incredibly easy to use: everything's included — templates, fonts, music, and an amazing variety of K12-safe photos from Adobe Stock. Push your students' creative confidence and digital literacy skills to the next level no matter the content area or grade-level. 

Built with privacy and safety in mind: Adobe Express offers safe search for images and videos and is fully compliant with COPPA, FERPA, and GDPR when used with school-based licenses.
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