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Adobe Stock integrates seamlessly with Google Slides so you can easily search for images without leaving your presentation.
Şununla çalışır:
1 Mn+
Genel Bakış
Access millions of high-quality images from the world’s leading creative community.

Create powerful presentations with stunning images to enhance your work. Adobe Stock gives you access to millions of high-quality photos and illustrations — all from the world’s largest creative community.  

Adobe Stock integrates seamlessly with Google Slides so you can easily search for images without leaving your presentation. Search by keyword or categories, and preview images inside your presentations. You can also use the power of Adobe Sensei by easily uploading an image to perform a visual search.

When you’re ready to license an image, simply connect with your existing Adobe Stock account or sign up for one.

Copyright © 2017 Adobe Systems Incorporated and its licensors. All Rights Reserved.
Adobe, the Adobe logo and Adobe Stock are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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Adobe Stock aşağıda gösterilen izinleri ister. Daha fazla bilgi
Adobe Stock uygulamasının Google hesabınıza erişmesi gerekir
Bu, Adobe Stock uygulamasının şunları yapmasına olanak tanır:
Tüm Google Slaytlar sunularınızı görme, düzenleme, oluşturma ve silme
Birincil Google Hesabı e-posta adresinizi görme
Herkese açık olarak sunduklarınız da dahil olmak üzere kişisel bilgilerinizi görme
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Google, yorumları ve verilen puanları doğrulamaz. Yorumlar hakkında daha fazla bilgi
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