Lets you to easily find and replace text with other formatting in Sheets™.
Vermelding geüpdatet:19 augustus 2024
Werkt met:
The Advanced Find & Replace add-on for Google Sheets™ transforms your spreadsheet experience by providing powerful search and replace functionalities, allowing you to handle both text and cell formatting efficiently. Save time and increase productivity with advanced options such as regular expressions and formatting conditions to refine your search.


- Advanced Search and Replace:
  - Find and Replace with Regular Expressions: Utilize regular expressions to find complex patterns and combinations of characters, enabling highly specific searches.
  - Conditional Searches: Use AND, OR, and NOT conditions to refine your searches and target exactly what you need to find or replace.
  - Escape Characters: Replace text using escape characters to handle special symbols and sequences accurately.

- Comprehensive Formatting Support:
  - Bold: Find and replace text with bold formatting.
  - Italic: Search for and replace italicized text.
  - Underline: Locate and replace underlined text.
  - Top, Middle, Bottom Alignment: Adjust text alignment settings in cells.
  - Text Wrapping: Find cells with text wrapping enabled and modify them.
  - Strikethrough: Identify and replace text with strikethrough formatting.
  - Overflow: Find cells with text overflow settings and adjust them.
  - Font Name and Size: Search for specific font names and sizes to standardize or update your sheet's appearance.
  - Background Color: Find and replace cells with specific background colors.
  - Foreground Color: Search for and update cells based on text color.
  - Formulas: Locate and replace formulas within your sheet.
  - Notes: Find and modify cell notes for better information management.

Free Version Limitations:

- 30 Attempts: The trial version allows you to use the advanced features up to 30 times, providing a glimpse into the full capabilities of the add-on.

Revolutionize your spreadsheet workflow with the Advanced Find & Replace add-on for Google Sheets™. Upgrade to the premium version for unrestricted access and advanced capabilities. Start making your data management more efficient today!

Video help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OoD8jECizQ&list=PL1ULeCgpH_H_2NDhB_2O4Be7wK7aC-eV4

* Google services impose daily quotas and hard limitations on some features - https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/services/quotas

- Advanced Find & Replace use and transfer of information received from Google APIs to any other app will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.
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