Advanced Form Notifications help you send email notifications to users and you, and can check new responses or close form.
정보 업데이트:2022년 5월 9일
호환 기기:
Advanced Form Notifications help you:
• Send email notifications to users and you when user submit your form.
• Check new responses by N-step interval or N-time interval and notify you.
• Set a deadline time or max responses to notify you and  close the form.

This add-on include these features:
• Send emails by your gmail.
• Complete e-mail settings: To, Cc, Bcc, Reply to and Sender name.
• Support HTML or Plain text version content. 
• HTML version can insert online images.
• Support form input template in email subject and body, e.g. {{Name}} as user's input name.
• Support autocomplete for input template in subject and text body, toolbar for html body.
• Support custom email subject.
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