Integrates desktop software with G Suite Mail
New edition for 2018!

Many desktop applications have the built-in capability to send emails. You need Affixa to make these features work with G Suite Mail.

Affixa is a Simple MAPI and "mailto" handler for Mail. 

It's simple - When Affixa receives an email from an application, it does its job quickly and simply, then disappears. No end-user training is required.

It's loved by users - productive users are happy users! Affixa lets them continue using the familiar and time-saving email features of their desktop software.

It's easy to configure - Affixa's behavior can be customized via our portal and any changes or updates are picked up by all your users automatically.

It's secure - works with SSO and two-factor authentication out of the box. Emails are only ever sent directly to Google's APIs using HTTPS.

Has excellent support - we're a small business that's passionate about our product. You'll get fast, personable support whenever you need it and a commitment to free updates.
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임시보관 메일 관리 및 이메일 전송
Gmail의 이메일 설정 및 필터 확인, 수정, 생성 또는 변경
기본 Google 계정의 이메일 주소 확인
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