Agnya is your company's culture bot. It interacts with the employees and collects feedback regarding your company's culture and calculates the culture KPIs (10 KPIs and 30 sub-KPIs), employee productivity, leadership styles, managerial styles to help you understand what needs to be changed. Agnya also enables behaviour modification for employees to induce culture change.
337 tis.+
Agnya is your company's culture bot. It interacts with the employees and collects feedback regarding your company's culture and calculates the culture KPIs (10 KPIs and 30 sub-KPIs), employee productivity, leadership styles, managerial styles to help you understand what needs to be changed. Agnya also enables behaviour modification for employees to induce culture change.
- Leverage AI driven technology to continuously assess Culture and its Drivers. Act before you have to react
- Employee psychology driven Workplace Experience framework to pin point strengths and weakenesses across 10 parameters and 30 sub-parameters
- Give power to Leaders and Managers across demographies to make culture change happen in organization
- Understand impact of prevalent culture drivers for course correction

Agnya Workplace Experience
- Get a real-time view of your company culture and employee productivity through AI NLP bot
- Drill down to the micro level to pinpoint the problem areas across demographies and compare with relate-able benchmarks
- A confidential listening ear to hear voice of employees
- Do target-culture setting get recommendations that enable you to design and deliver the target culture

Agnya Behaviour Modification
- Individual Leaders and Managers get an in-depth view of their respective styles
- System driven custom nudges and micro learning for behavior modification
- Custom designed and bot delivered nudges for value alignment and soft skill development
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CenyNení k dispozici
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PodporaNení k dispozici
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Agnya požádá o oprávnění uvedená níže. Další informace
Agnya bude potřebovat přístup k vašemu účtu Google
Aplikaci Agnya tím umožníte:
Zjištění vaší primární e-mailové adresy účtu Google
Zobrazení vašich osobních informací včetně jakýchkoli osobních informací, které jste veřejně zpřístupnili
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