Enhance user experiences with AI Agents by Jotform, offering instant assistance, personalized interactions, and cross-platform scalability.
Дата оновлення:25 лютого 2025 р.
1 тис.+
Revolutionize user interaction with AI Agents

AI Agents offer a cutting-edge way to engage with users by providing real-time assistance, personalized experiences, and intelligent data collection. Whether handling customer queries, validating inputs, or guiding users through forms, AI Agents transform every interaction into a seamless, conversational experience, just like a customer service chatbot.

Key features
🌐 Real-time assistance: Instantly answer queries, simplifying tasks and boosting satisfaction.
📊 Dynamic data collection: Gather, validate, and organize data effortlessly through conversations.
🤝 Personalized engagement: Adapt responses and workflows to user behavior and preferences.
💬 Multi-channel support: Operate across web, chat, email, and phone platforms for consistent engagement.
🎙️ Voice integration: Manage calls, transcribe interactions, and deliver human-like voice assistance.
🎨 Customizable actions: Align AI Agents with your business needs using tailored workflows and branding.

How it works
- Install the AI Agents by Jotform app from the Google Workspace Marketplace.
- Open Google Drive™ and click the Google Apps icon in the top right corner.
- Select AI Agents by Jotform from the dropdown menu.
- Select how you'd like to create your AI Agent: Start from scratch, connect to a form, use a template, or clone yourself.
- Train your AI Agents with URLs or documents.
- Follow the setup instructions to customize your AI agent’s behavior, branding, and integrations.
- Start creating smarter, personalized experiences by integrating your forms with AI Agents.

AI Agents enhance efficiency, improve personalization, and ensure 24/7 accessibility — delivering exceptional experiences every time.

For assistance, contact Jotform Support at https://www.jotform.com/contact.
Додаткова iнформацiя
ЦіниБезкоштовна версія з платними функціями
Політика конфіденційності
Умови використання
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