Ai KPI Tracker is a powerful and easy-to-use Google Sheets™ Add-on designed to help you monitor, visualize, and analyze your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in a simple and effective way.
Дата оновлення:20 травня 2023 р.
1 тис.+
 Ai KPI Tracker is a powerful and easy-to-use Google Sheets™ Add-on designed to help you monitor, visualize, and analyze your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in a simple and effective way. With Ai KPI Tracker, you can transform your raw data into actionable insights and make data-driven decisions to improve your business performance.
Key features:
1. Predefined KPI Templates: Choose from a range of templates for Sales, Marketing, Finance, and HR, or create your custom KPI dashboard to suit your business needs.
2. Customizable Charts: Visualize your KPIs with various chart types, including column, bar, line, and pie charts, to gain a better understanding of your data.
3. Set and Track Goals: Define goals for each KPI and track your progress with visually appealing progress bars that show the percentage of completion towards your set targets.
4. Easy-to-use Interface: Effortlessly set up and manage your KPIs with a user-friendly sidebar that guides you through the entire process.
5. Seamless Integration: Ai  KPI Tracker works directly within Google Sheets™, allowing you to work with your existing data and collaborate with your team in real-time.
Get started with Ai KPI Tracker today to unlock the full potential of your data and drive your business to success!
1. Install the Ai KPI Tracker Add-on from the Google Workspace Marketplace™
2. Open a new or existing Google Sheets™ and navigate to the Add-ons menu.
3. Click on ‘Ai KPI Tracker’ and then ‘Track KPIs’ to open the sidebar.
4. Select a predefined template or create a custom one.
5. Choose a chart type to visualize your data.
Start making data-driven decisions with Ai KPI Tracker Add-on for Google Sheets™
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