The artificial intelligence mind mapping tool based on ChatGPT can quickly generate mind maps based on text prompts or PDFs.
Ändrades senast:11 september 2024
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6 tn+
An AI mind mapping tool based on ChatGPT that can quickly generate mind maps based on text prompts or PDFs, helping you organize ideas, thoughts, and concepts to see connections and turn insights into actions.

A mind map shows the different ideas associated with a particular concept. It is a useful tool for brainstorming. The concept is usually shown in the middle as a central idea that branches off in different directions. So, what is mind mapping? It’s simply the process of creating mind maps. Mind mapping involves brainstorming to document the relationships of information based on a single concept, then placing those ideas onto the mind map itself.

Your data is stored only in Google Drive™, so no additional third-party to trust with your data.
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AI Mind Map Generator frågar efter de behörigheter som visas nedan. Läs mer
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