AI that helps teams discover and purchase the best business supplies—like office utilities and furniture—collaboratively, right in the middle of a live meeting.
Ficha actualizada:5 de enero de 2025
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Designed for businesses seeking cost-effective solutions, this powerful tool instantly identifies discounted deals on a wide variety of products, from basic office supplies to premium furniture, and presents all crucial information—such as item images, videos, and pricing—in real time.

During live sessions, team members can collectively prompt the AI Recommender to explore relevant purchase options without leaving the virtual meeting. This collaborative method reduces research time and simplifies decision-making, ensuring each procurement choice is both strategic and budget-conscious. By uniting robust AI capabilities with the convenience of Google Meet™, the add-on sets a new standard for organized, efficient, and profitable team purchasing.
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AI Recommender For AliExpress necesitará acceder a tu cuenta de Google
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