Lead Generation, Email Finder, WebGPT, ChatPDF, Email Sending, Email Search via Google Sheet™ Add-on by CapGo AI. It's for lead gen, lead qualification, lead enrichment. It can also import emails
Данные обновлены:23 апреля 2024 г.
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CapGo.AI Sheet™ is an all-in-one AI spreadsheet tool for startups to find leads, contacts, gather information, and send mass emails directly from a spreadsheet.

It is the simplest tool for lead generation, lead enrichment, lead qualification, and email marketing automation.

1. WebGPT (AI Web Search or GPT with Internet Access): This feature combines ChatGPT with internet access, allowing users to find a list of companies based on specific criteria. It also enables the use of simple functions to search for real-time information about target companies.
2. ChatGPT: Users can leverage the power of OpenAI's ChatGPT directly within their sheets. This function allows for crafting personalized messages or extracting information in bulk.
3. Find Email & Verify Email: We integrate third-party email finders to locate and verify email addresses.
Send Emails in Sheet: This feature enables sending emails directly from the spreadsheet. It is ideal for mass mailing, personalized customer outreach, and automating email notifications based on spreadsheet triggers.
4. ChatPDF: Users can easily extract and analyze text from PDF documents in bulk. This tool is perfect for summarizing reports, processing data, and converting PDF content into editable spreadsheet formats.
5. Image Generation: Bring your data to life with AI-powered image generation. Create visuals, infographics, and custom images based on the data in your spreadsheet. This tool is perfect for enhancing the visual appeal of your data in presentations and reports.
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Приложение AI Sheet: Lead Gen - CapGo сможет:
Просмотр электронных таблиц, в которые встроено данное приложение, и управление ими
Отправка электронных писем от вашего имени
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