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Automatically explore data, generate visualizations and infographics from Sheets™ using large language models.
Listing updated:January 8, 2025
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AI Sheets™ Visualization is a tool for generating data visualizations and data-faithful infographics. It work with any programming language and visualization libraries e.g. matplotlib, seaborn, altair, d3 etc and works with multiple large language model providers (PaLM, Cohere, Huggingface). 

It comprises of 4 modules - A SUMMARIZER that converts data into a rich but compact natural language summary, a GOAL EXPLORER that enumerates visualization goals given the data, a VISGENERATOR that generates, refines, executes and filters visualization code and an INFOGRAPHER module that yields data-faithful stylized graphics using IGMs. 

AI Sheets™ Visualization leverages the language modeling and code writing capabilities of state-of-the-art LLMs in enabling core automated visualization capabilities (data summarization, goal exploration, visualization generation, infographics generation) as well as operations on existing visualizations (visualization explanation, self-evaluation, automatic repair, recommendation).

 Data Summarization
 Goal Generation
 Visualization Generation
 Visualization Editing
 Visualization Explanation
 Visualization Evaluation and Repair
 Visualization Recommendation
 Infographic Generation

Data Summarization
Datasets can be massive. AI Sheets™ Visualization summarizes data into a compact but information dense natural language representation used as grounding context for all subsequent operations.

Automated Data Exploration
Unfamiliar with a dataset? AI Sheets™ Visualization provides a fully automated mode that generates meaningful visualization goals based on the dataset. 

Grammar-Agnostic Visualizations
Want visualizations created in python in Altair, Matplotlib, Seaborn etc? How about R, C++ ? AI Sheets™ Visualization is grammar agnostic i.e., can generate visualizations in any grammar represented as code.

Infographics Generation
Convert data into rich, embellished, engaging stylized infographics using image generation models. Think data stories, personalization (brand, style, marketing etc.)

➤ Privacy Policy 

By design, your data stays at all times on your Google account, never saved in our database. Your data aren’t shared with anyone, including the add-on owner. 
We complies with privacy laws (especially GDPR & California Privacy Act) to protect your data. 
Additional information
PricingFree of charge
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AI Sheets™ Visualization will ask for the permissions shown below. Learn more
AI Sheets™ Visualization will need access to your Google account
This will allow AI Sheets™ Visualization to :
See, edit, create, and delete only the specific Google Drive files you use with this app
Connect itself to your Google Drive
See, edit, create, and delete all your Google Sheets spreadsheets
Display and run third-party web content in prompts and sidebars inside Google applications
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See your primary Google Account email address
See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available
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January 24, 2024
A good, no frills solution backed up with really good support!
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Ira Hoover
January 16, 2024
This makes the data table look more intuitive, which helps me a lot in my work.
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Jesse Rosita
January 22, 2024
Very good, very suitable for use in slide presentations, the data is displayed very clearly.
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Lin Blacky
January 11, 2024
It presents the data perfectly.
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Amirul Islam
December 7, 2023
A great product! Customer service is also very good.
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Lin Blue
December 13, 2023
Nice, that's very useful.
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