The AI Writer extension uses the GPT-3 API to provide four text-editing tools: expand, summarize, sophisticate, and generate image. Simply highlight text and choose the tool you want to use.
Дата оновлення:30 березня 2023 р.
3 тис.+
The AI Writer extension is a powerful tool that uses the GPT-3 API to enhance your writing and creativity. With just a few clicks, you can expand on your ideas, summarize long texts, make your writing more professional, and even generate images based on your descriptions.

To use the extension, simply highlight the text you want to edit and choose one of the four tools:

Expand: This tool expands on your existing text, adding more detail and depth to your ideas.
Summarize: This tool shortens your text, reducing it to its most essential points.
Sophisticate: This tool makes your writing more professional, correcting errors and improving the overall tone and style.
Generate image: This tool creates an image based on your description, bringing your ideas to life in a visual form.
We hope you enjoy using AI Writer and find it a useful addition to your writing and creative process.
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