The spreadsheet for generating multiple Airbridge tracking links in one go.
Listingan diperbarui:19 Februari 2024
Berfungsi dengan:
2 rb+
Airbridge helps advertisers measure marketing performances and our clients have to create tracking link which is used to track user engagement on media. Our users can create only one tracking link at a time within the dashboard and if they want to quickly create multiple tracking links, they must use our tracking link generation API.
However, since the marketer, our service's main user, isn't familiar with using the API in person, we will support marketers to easily use our tracking link generation API through the Google sheet extension.
The user inputs the campaign information which is also required to create the tracking link within the dashboard into each cell of the Google sheet and executes Extension, we get the user's permission to call the external service API through the OAuth login. After that, the API will be called and the last column of each row will be filled with the tracking link which is the response from the API call through the App Script code.

Latest Release: 19, Feb, 2024
Version: v1.136

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