Manage your Google Calendar™ from Sheets™. See your calendar on a spreadsheet, create new events, change existing events.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:9 Nisan 2024
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AKA Manage Calendar lets you manage your calendar from a spreadsheet. Some use cases are:
- See your calendar on a spreadsheet
- Change calendar event details easily using a spreadsheet (e.g. change titles, descriptions, date and time, event colors, invitees, email and pop alerts etc.)
- Create unlimited new calendar events using a spreadsheet 
- Copy a calendar to another calendar
- Fill timesheet more accurately by seeing event details on a spreadsheet

0. After installation you can access the add-on from Google Sheets™ via Extensions -> ‘AKA Manage Calendar’ menu path
1. First adjust add-on Settings. Click Extensions -> ‘AKA Manage Calendar’ -> ‘Settings’ to choose your calendar and adjust the time-window to download events. Click ‘Save’ to save your settings.
2. To download a calendar to a spreadsheet, click Extensions -> ‘AKA Manage Calendar’ -> ‘Get events’. A new worksheet opens and gets populated with calendar event details.
3. Make your desired event changes on the newly opened sheet (make the changes on cells from column Q to AA). Mark tick box on column Q for every event that you would like to change. Click Extensions -> ‘AKA Manage Calendar’ -> ‘Change events’ to reflect changes to your calendar.
4. To create new events, open a template by clicking Extensions -> ‘AKA Manage Calendar’ -> ‘Create events’ -> ‘Event creation template’. A blank template opens.
5. Fill in the template. Click Extensions -> ‘AKA Manage Calendar’ -> ‘Create events’ -> ‘Create events’ to upload events to the calendar.

See the website

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We are happy to respond to all issues or feature requests. Please just drop an email ( or fill in the form at
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