Alation Connected Sheets enables users to pull in trusted data from the source directly into Google Sheets™. Save time by automatically refreshing data.
정보 업데이트:2024년 3월 13일
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Organizations depend on spreadsheets to gather, prepare, and analyze data. Critical business decisions rely on the accuracy and validity of spreadsheets. Alation Connected Sheets helps to address these questions:
• Where does the data in this spreadsheet come from?
• Is the data in this spreadsheet trustworthy and up to date?
• How do I get new data into the spreadsheet quickly? 

Users can easily access and refresh data from sources in Alation Data Catalog to Google Sheets™ with a few clicks. 

Benefits of Alation Connected Sheets:
• Connected. Pull in data with clicks, not SQL. Enable business users to self-service data without having to learn a new technical tool or rely on technical resources to get relevant, formatted data. 
• Governed. Pull in trusted, governed data from databases directly into Google Sheets™, avoiding multiple copies of spreadsheets formed by copy/pasting data or exporting csv files.
• Secure. Reuse existing data source security settings, allowing only authorized users to pull in data they have access to. 
• Reusable. Automated refresh of data ensures users have accurate, up-to-date data and calculations in the spreadsheet without having to manually update it. 
• Discoverable. Search and discover existing spreadsheets cataloged in Alation. Understand the context of spreadsheets with descriptions, owners, stewards, and classification tags. 

Data sources currently supported (more to come):
• Amazon Redshift
• Snowflake
• PostgreSQL 

Learn more:
• See
• Contact your account executive
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