Seamlessly transfer your ALEKS Gradebook to Canvas
Pozycja zaktualizowana:31 sierpnia 2023
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Transfer Grades from ALEKS to Canvas

FREE TO USE - You must register before using at

After installation, find the “ALEKS2Canvas Gradebook” menu in the Add-ons or Extensions menu and select “ALEKS2Canvas Gradebook > Setup > Launch Setup” to get started.

>Scale ALEKS scores to Canvas assignments
>Update past ALEKS scores in Canvas
>Mark ALEKS assignments in Canvas as missing
>Mark ALEKS assignments in Canvas as excused
>Choose how missing assignments should be handled
>Choose how 0 score assignments should be handled
>Set options globally or for individual assignments
>Filter assignments by name and term dates
>Send all assignment scores or selected ones
>Grade assignments on completion, score by due date, or score by best ever
>Support for cross-listed Canvas courses and multiple ALEKS classes

>Each course has a capacity for 200 students and 50 assignments
>Canvas assignment must be already created
>Large classes may require manual intervention to continue sending scores
>Scores for large classes may not immediately update in Canvas
>You must have the appropriate user rights on Canvas to score assignments
>Canvas assignments MUST have a due date assigned to them
>Canvas assignments should be set as "No Submission" assignments
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