Save the time you spend getting reports from amazon and creating kpis, this is all gonna be generated for you. No MWS credentials required.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:10 Aralık 2021
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Create dashboards of sales, refunds, inventory and more. no MWS credentials required. 14 days free trial, no credit card required.
The add on comes with templates which include Income, fees, refunds, and inventory reports. 
It also comes with functions to fetch specific data you might be interested in.

Automated sheets, automatically update every 1hr:

Pre-maid sheets:

-> AMZ_US_TRENDS: Contains refund rate for each product, best trending products and worst trending products as well as the available qty of each, USA marketplace.

-> AMZ_CA_TRENDS: Contains refund rate for each product, best trending products and worst trending products as well as the available qty of each,  for Canada marketplace.

 -> AMZ_EXCESS_INVENTORY: Contains the excess inventory report.

-> AMZ_SALES_KPIS_NA: contains P&L info as well as top selling products for different time frames, for NA.

-> AMZ_CA_INVENTORY: contains inventory report for Canada.

-> AMZ_US_INVENTORY: contains inventory report for USA.

-> AMZ_CA_INVENTORY_HEALTH: contains inventory health report for Canada.

-> AMZ_US_INVENTORY_HEALTH: contains inventory health report for USA.

functions you can use with the add on:

-> summary_period: gets P&L for the selected period vs selected last period for both marketplaces, similar to the one found in in AMZ_SALES_KPIS_NA. example: summary_period(2021-02-01,2021-02-10,2021-01-01,2021-01-10).

-> sales_summary_period: gets detailed P&L for selected period vs selected last period by SKU for a selected marketplace. example: sales_summary_period(2021-02-01,2021-02-10,,2021-01-01,2021-01-10).

-> sales_summary_period_date: same as above but with dates instead of SKUs example: sales_summary_period_date(2021-02-01,2021-02-10,

-> products_by_units_sold: gets top products by units sold for both marketplaces, same as the one found in AMZ_SALES_KPIS_NA example: products_by_units_sold(2021-02-01,2021-02-10,5,2021-01-01,2021-01-10).

-> sales_summary_period_date_sku: gets P&L for a selected date range and marketplace for an sku. example: sales_summary_period_date_sku(2021-02-01,2021-02-10,,EX-SKU-1).

more than 2000 orders a month: $69
less than 2000 orders a month: $49

need more reports, KPIs or functions? let us know:
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