Amazon Seller Central Data Warehouse to Google Sheets Integration. Amazon sellers can directly import and load their seller data from our Seller Central Data Warehouse into Google Sheets.
Ändrades senast:19 mars 2024
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Amazon’s Seller Central Data Warehouse to Google Sheets integration is now available. 

Manually importing csv files from Amazon Seller Central?
Manually cleaning up and extracting data?
Do you have existing Google Sheets that you use to manage your business and want to find a quicker way of updating and managing the files?

Seller Labs Data Warehouse is a Google Sheets Add-on for Amazon Sellers that connects to your account and automatically pulls in data for what you need.

It’s as simple as using Google Sheets.
Choose from pre-written SQL queries to access your data points. 
Stay up to date with real-time data refreshes.

With this type of data and control with this Google and Amazon integration, you can keep track of important KPI's to monitor and improve your Amazon business.

- Analyze order trends, shipping status’, locations of orders, top mail carriers, when orders are being placed and their sales timeline over different periods broken down at the product level. 
-Breakdown your page traffic by period by product to increase your sales rank.
-See accurate inventory data including alerts and sell-through rates and don't go out of stock again.
-Analyze your advertising efforts on a holistic and detailed Campaign level view by data range.
-Identify your advertising spend efficiency and return on ad spend
-Convert your top performing search terms and keywords and identify their impressions and spend by match type
-And SO much more!

- procrastinating because of the tedious work with manual data downloads
- copying and pasting data from csv files and errors
- losing money by going out of stock or over spending on advertising campaigns


** Will to add the registration info***
Enter the USER ID from your account to activate the addon.

New functions and new data points are continually added.

Not confident with Google spreadsheets or Amazon Seller data? We offer a ready made Google Data Studio template so you can hit the ground running. The template is also fully customizable to your liking. 

- USA (
- Mexico (
- Canada (
- United Kingdom (
- Germany (
- Spain (
- France (
- Italy (
- India (
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