Download the Amazon Report directly into the Google Sheet
정보 업데이트:2024년 1월 13일
호환 기기:
The app will be used to download the Amazon Seller Report for his own account. The app user can select the report to download from the Start Tracking report menu option. The reports will be refreshed from every *1 hours to 24 hours as per the configuration.

The user needs to set up the Amazon SP-API configuration inorder to use the application. The setup can be found here:

Steps to request report from Amazon:
1. Fill out the Amazon SP-API Credentials by selecting Amazon SP-API Credential from the add-on menu
2. Click on the Start Tracking Report from the menu
3. Select the Amazon report that need to be downloaded and enter the Sheet tab where it need to be saved.
4. Save & Close the popup.

For any bugs or requesting a new features to this add-on or your custom amazon api requirement, please send us an email on

*Add-on can use a time-driven trigger once per hour at most. For more info, please visit below link:
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이렇게 하면 Amazon SP-API Reports에서 다음 작업을 할 수 있습니다.
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