Do you have an online store and use Google Analytics to track your performance? See important Google Analytics data right next to your order confirmations and craft relevant emails to your customers.
호환 기기:
Do you have an online store and use Google Analytics and Gmail? How about getting relevant analytics data about your orders directly in your email? The Analytics Buddy Gmail add-on is your simple, secure, yet powerful analytics system for Gmail. Get contextual analytics data when you look at your orders in Gmail and craft relevant emails to your customers.

Analytics Buddy works for any e-commerce platform, whether it’s Shopify, Yahoo Store or Magento - as long as you receive order confirmations by email when your customers place an order. Analytics Buddy scans your order confirmation email for order numbers. When it’s found one it can then get the data from Google Analytics for that particular order.

Google Analytics with e-commerce tracking enabled is a requirement for using Analytics Buddy. Related Products requires that you also have enhanced e-commerce enabled.
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