Anatomage Lessons turns your classroom into a modern learning hub where students can engage in virtual dissections and reinforce their knowledge.
Eintrag aktualisiert:18. November 2024
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Enable your students to continue studying anytime, anywhere. by bringing the immersive and interactive learning Anatomage Lessons experience into your Google Classroom™.

With Anatomage Lessons, students can seamlessly continue their studies on the same bodies they work on with the Anatomage Table, long after the class is over. Anatomage Lessons is an online learning platform that offers on-demand access to Anatomage Bodies, an extensive library of 600+ scroll-based lessons in anatomy and physiology, and over 200+ general science lessons in biology, chemistry, and physics. 


* Interactive visuals demonstrating real human anatomy.
* 2,600 annotated anatomical structures.
* 600+ anatomy and physiology lessons.
* 200+ lessons in biology, chemistry, and physics.
* Engage in dissection-like activities on the cadavers.
* Engaging quizzes and interactive exploration activities.
* Tools to create classes and assignments.
* Science lessons compliant with NGSS and designed for AP-level study.
* Real-patient CT scans are available for studying pathologies.


1. Start by installing the Anatomage Lessons Add-on.
2. Login to Google Classroom™.
3. Create a Google class and navigate to the Classwork tab.
4. Click on the “+ Create” button and select the “Material” option from the dropdown.
5. Click on the "Anatomage Lessons" add-on from the Add-ons subsection.
6. Sign in to Anatomage Lessons with Google SSO.
7. Select or create the Anatomage Lessons class that you'd like to link to your Google Classroom™. 
8. Post the material with the add-on.
9. To add an assignment, click "+ Create," then assignment.
10. Click the "Anatomage Lessons" add-on from the Add-ons subsection.
11. Select or create the Anatomage Lessons assignment that you'd like to link to your Google Classroom™. 
12. Post the assignment with the add-on.

Instructors must have an Anatomage Lessons account using a Google account and a valid license to use this add-on. Please reach out to to get an account set up today!
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