Email Signature Management for G Suite
Oppføring oppdatert:24. mai 2023
Centralised email signature management 

Design a signature that delivers your brand message and apply it to all signatures in your domain. Identify users that change their signature and automatically correct it. No additional install/plugin needed. Free 14-day trial!

1. Instantly Deployed Across your G Suite Domain 
Ancoris Signatures does not require installation of any plug-ins or additional software. Fully integrated with G Suite, Ancoris Signatures allows you to assign signature templates to your users and gain control of signatures across your domain

2. Centralized Signature Management 
The Ancoris Signatures dashboard provides a centralized place to stay in control of signatures in your domain. Clear indicators show how many users are being controlled, how many have had their template enforced and if users have experienced issues. The dashboard provides a centralized way to stay in control. 

3. Enforced Branding Consistency 
If one of your users changes their GMail Signature, Ancoris Signatures will change it back. It will also identify the user, and help you to prevent it from happening again. 

4. Email Signature as a Marketing tool 
Because Ancoris Signatures makes it so easy to change and control your users’ signatures, you can use them to promote your latest marketing message. You can track click-thru's in your Google Analytics account to check how effective your message is.

5. Quick and Easy! 
Set a standardized email template across your domain in seconds. Your G Suite users are automatically imported, a template gallery is available and signatures can be assigned in just a couple of clicks. 

One more thing: You can auto-assign signatures by Organization Unit (OU) so new users get the right signature with no manual intervention required.
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Ancoris Signatures kommer til å be om tillatelsene som vises nedenfor. Finn ut mer
Ancoris Signatures kommer til å trenge tilgang til Google-kontoen din
Dette gir Ancoris Signatures tillatelse til å:
se, redigere, opprette eller endre e-postinnstillingene og -filtrene dine i Gmail
Administrere innstillingene dine for sensitiv e-post, medregnet hvem som kan administrere e-posten din
se og laste ned kontaktene dine
administrere domeneinnstillingene dine
se domener knyttet til kundene dine
se gruppene på domenet ditt
se organisasjonsenheter på domenet ditt
se informasjon om brukere på domenet ditt
se den primære e-postadressen for Google-kontoen din
se den personlige informasjonen din, inkludert personlig informasjon du har gjort offentlig tilgjengelig
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