Mail merge add-on to create and send personalized emails. No daily quota. You can use the add-on free of charge and send up to 1500 emails a day from your business account.
Дата оновлення:19 вересня 2023 р.
29 тис.+
With AnyMerge Mail, you can merge spreadsheet data into Gmail messages as text values, images, or QR codes. You can also add multiple attachments.

There is no daily sending limit! Plus, take advantage of two-phase merge, where you can literally create thousands of Gmail drafts first and then send them out later.

A few highlights of the add-on:
- built from the ground up for heavy-duty work
- merges text values, links, QR codes and images into Gmail messages
- add multiple Google Drive files as attachments
- automatically converts Google files (Docs, Sheets and Slides) to PDF
- supports two-phase merge
- automatically saves and restores merge configuration; configure a merge job once, then just run it

Release Notes
November 25, 2020 - Version 1.2
Added predefined templates for ID cards, membership cards, loyalty cards and event tickets. Select a predefined template and the add-on will configure everything for you. 

My motivation was to build a suite of add-ons that excel in one thing: reliability. My background is system integration and I built these add-ons from the ground up to be as reliable as possible. There is a lot of logic under the hood to make sure they deliver results as promised. AnyMerge add-ons are meant for heavy-duty work, whether you want to send hundreds of personalized emails with the AnyMerge Mail add-on, or generate hundreds of Google Documents with the AnyMerge Docs add-on.

The AnyMerge Mail add-on for Google Spreadsheets is the new kid on the block. There are plenty of other mail merge add-ons, yet AnyMerge Mail stands out and offers features that other add-ons do not have.

While other mail merge add-ons let you send just a fraction of your daily quota allowed by Google for free, AnyMerge Mail add-on does not have a daily sending limit at all. Your only limit is the type of Gmail account you use. With a Gmail business account, you can send up to 1 500 personalized emails per day from the add-on and reach your audience with ease.

You can use the add-on absolutely free of charge. Well, there is a small catch when using the add-on for free — the add-on appends a link to each message you send. I am more than happy to see people using the add-on for free but spread the word. I put a lot of effort into developing this tool.

AnyMerge Mail does not just do simple text merge. You can use it for pretty complex operations like merging multiple QR codes, or images as well as attachments into Gmail messages.

Furthermore, the add-on allows you to take multiple attachments from your Google Drive and include them in Gmail messages, so you can further automate your daily workflows. You can use the AnyMerge Docs add-on to generate Google Documents, then send them as attachments with the AnyMerge Mail add-on.

For example, you can generate a bunch of invoices first with the AnyMerge Docs add-on, then send them with the AnyMerge Mail add-on. You can streamline the entire process and move from your manual, error-prone method to a smooth, automated workflow.

One of the unique features of the add-on is the so-called two-phase merge. The add-on can merge spreadsheet data into Gmail drafts, and you can send the drafts later. Why would this be useful?

The two-phase merge is particularly handy for long-running tasks where you would like to process hundreds of emails with a very complex setup. Doing a simple merge of text values into Gmail messages is fast. Once you start adding more complex things like QR codes or multiple attachments, processing times will increase, and you can easily end up with processing times over one minute for a single message.

With two-phase merge, you can let the add-on create drafts only first (phase one). Depending on how many emails you would like to process, it might take several hours to complete. Just make sure your workstation will not go to sleep and keep an eye on the process. Or run the merge job overnight. Once the merge job is over and all those drafts are sitting in your drafts folder. you can send them (phase two). Sending pre-made drafts is much faster.

Another great advantage is that there is no daily quota on how many drafts you can create. You can create literally thousands of drafts per day and send them later in smaller batches.

Take advantage of two-phase merge when your merge setup is complex and takes a long time to finish. Generate drafts first and send them later.

The add-on does lack some features that other add-ons provide. Most prominent is email tracking. If this is the top feature you are looking for, do not waste your time and look for other solutions. I am not going to implement this feature in the foreseeable future.

Once any add-on has access to your Gmail, it can access your Gmail messages and there is a possibility of leaking private data. The AnyMerge Mail add-on cannot make external requests, meaning that there is no way the add-on can send your data to a third party. At installation, you need to grant permission and authorize the add-on. For a detailed explanation of what the add-on does, please read the privacy policy before you install the add-on.

Happy merging!
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Додаток AnyMerge Mail запитає наведені нижче дозволи. Докладніше
Додатку AnyMerge Mail буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
Після цього додаток AnyMerge Mail зможе:
Перегляд і завантаження всіх ваших файлів на Google Диску
Перегляд електронних таблиць, у яких установлено цей додаток, і керування ними
Перегляд і зміна міток ваших електронних листів
Переглядати, писати й надсилати листи з облікового запису Gmail
Показуйте веб-вміст третіх сторін у підказках і на бічних панелях у додатках Google
Надсилання електронних листів від себе
Переглядати основну електронну адресу облікового запису Google
Переглядайте особисту інформацію, зокрема всі відомості, які зробили загальнодоступними
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