Lets Google Workspace domain administrators grant, at a domain or OU level, the permissions required by the AODocs Smartbar extension to work in Google Drive and Gmail.
This application lets Google Workspace domain administrators grant, at a domain or OU level, the OAuth2 authorizations required by the AODocs - Smartbar extension to work in Google Drive and Gmail.

It is useful when deploying the extension at a domain or OU level, to avoid the Google OAuth2 consent screen related to the extension's authorizations to be displayed to each end user.

You should consider installing this application if:

• you plan to deploy the AODocs - Smartbar extension at a domain or OU level
• and you want to seamlessly allow your end users to use the extension to import their emails into the AODocs platform
• and you don't want each of your end users to see the Google OAuth2 consent screen to grant the extension's authorizations

Note: If you prefer to let your end users see the consent screen and decide if they want to use the extension in the Gmail context or not, then you don't need to install this application.
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AODocs - Smartbar domain-wide deployment vraagt u om de onderstaande rechten. Meer informatie
AODocs - Smartbar domain-wide deployment heeft toegang nodig tot uw Google-account
Hiermee kan AODocs - Smartbar domain-wide deployment het volgende doen:
Al je Google Drive-bestanden weergeven, bewerken, maken en verwijderen
Je e-mailberichten en -instellingen bekijken
Het primaire e-mailadres van je Google-account bekijken
Uw persoonlijke info bekijken, met inbegrip van persoonlijke info die u openbaar heeft gemaakt
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