An add-on for hoteliers and hotel staff that helps to generate pre-defined reportsusing data from the Apaleo Platform.
정보 업데이트:2024년 10월 25일
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Available reports:

Receivables & Liabilities Report. 
Area of application: Accounting. 
This report shows reservations with the non-zero balance on the receivables or liabilities account. This report is build on top of the list of gross transactions for all reservations in the selected property (hotel) which period of stay lies between the specified "from" and "to" dates.
With this report the user can understand open balances (open receivables or unused liabilities (pre-payments)) on the individual reservations.

Report: City Tax Report
Area of application: Accounting
The city tax add on enables the user to retrieve a city tax report similar to the requirements in Hamburg (rate step based city taxes) or as in Berlin (Net accommodation revenue calculation based on the charged city taxes).

More reports will come.
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