Validate your google documents with your customers Proposals, invoices, reports… but when you need to get an approval from your customers is a bit hard to share a document when they are outside google. Now we offer you a way to share and approve a document easily with this add-on. Just install it and you will be able to send for approval your google documents with a simple click.
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Validate your google documents with your customers
You love google drive and you generate a lot of documents inside google drive. Proposals, invoices, reports… but when you need to get an approval from your customers is a bit hard to share a document when they are outside google.
Now we offer you a way to share and approve a document easily with this add-on. Just install it and you will be able to send for approval your google documents with a simple click.
We also allow you to add a payment link just in case you want to invoice your customers from your google documents.
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Approve it - by Docxpresso behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
Detta ger Approve it - by Docxpresso behörighet att:
Visa och hantera dokument som det här programmet har installerats i
Se information om dina Google Drive-filer
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