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Build a custom mobile app from the response spreadsheet of your Google Form. It is quick, easy, and no coding is involved.
Vermelding geüpdatet:28 april 2023
Werkt met:
3 mln.+
Start with a Google Form and create your own mobile app. AppSheet is the intelligent, no-code app platform for everyone. Create apps to transform your workplace.

The app can collect different inputs including photos, signatures, GPS location, and scanned barcodes. Take Google Forms to the next level with an AppSheet add-on!

Use AppSheet if:
 1) You work on a phone or tablet to capture information
 2) You want to work seamlessly offline and online
 3) You want your own mobile app to brand and distribute to employees, colleagues, or customers
 4) You want the app to have more than just a single form
 5) You like the power of building and deploying a custom mobile app in minutes!

The data captured by your apps is always in sync with your Google Drive, so you can use regular Google forms and sheets in conjunction with AppSheet.

Join over 150,000 people using AppSheet to build mobile apps in government, education, small business, and corporate environments including leaders like GE, Clearlink, ESPN, and more. 

Common use cases include field service, transportation, customer surveys, incident reports, field data capture, compliance reports, delivery tracking, student questionnaires, property surveys, CRM management, project management, and a whole lot more!

If you are in the education or non-profit sector, AppSheet can help you innovate without the usual budget constraints.

Also, consider using the AppSheet Add-Ons for Google Sheets and Google Docs which open up other exciting options for data-driven applications. 

(1) Install the AppSheet add-on.

(2) Launch the AppSheet add-on from your add-ons menu.

(3) Click “Prepare” and then "Launch" within the AppSheet sidebar. This will take you to www.appsheet.com in a new browser tab.

(4) If this is the first time you are using AppSheet, you will be prompted to sign in to AppSheet with Google and provide the necessary permissions.

(5) Voila, you have a mobile app via AppSheet! You can present and capture from data via your mobile app, or build a much richer app from this starting point.

Explore advanced features such as image, scanner and signature capture, as well as rich display of the form responses via maps, image galleries, and charts.

The AppSheet Advantage
AppSheet is trusted by everyone from freelancers to Fortune 500 companies like Pepsi and GE to create powerful mobile apps. If you can dream it, you can build it!

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AppSheet vraagt u om de onderstaande rechten. Meer informatie
AppSheet heeft toegang nodig tot uw Google-account
Hiermee kan AppSheet het volgende doen:
Je formulieren in Google Drive bekijken en beheren
Al je Google-spreadsheets bekijken, bewerken, maken en verwijderen
Verbinding maken met een externe service
Uitvoering van deze applicatie toestaan wanneer je niet aanwezig bent
Gegevens met betrekking tot de app bekijken en beheren
Het primaire e-mailadres van je Google-account bekijken
Uw persoonlijke info bekijken, met inbegrip van persoonlijke info die u openbaar heeft gemaakt
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Een gebruiker van AppSheet
15 oktober 2017
Zeer handige app zodra je weet hoe alles moet. 4 sterren omdat er altijd ruimte is voor verbetering
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