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Apptivo is the perfect small business suite for google apps. Apptivo has CRM, Project Management, Invoicing, Timesheets and more. Apptivo is easy to use, affordable and fully integrated. Start now!
Ficha actualizada:5 de febrero de 2024
148 mil+
Información general
Apptivo's business suite consists of 40+ apps that are integrated and seamlessly work with each other. The information is shared across apps, so data once created can be used everywhere improving overall productivity. There is also no need of multiple data entry avoiding duplicate or incorrect data.

1) CRM
Manage and organize your business contacts, track leads and opportunities, track your sales funnel, run an efficient help desk or co-ordinate your field work with the work orders app.

Send estimates to your customers for services you will perform or items you will deliver. Invoice for products or generate invoices from employee timesheets or company projects. Customize your invoices with a template builder and email invoices directly to your customer. Accept payments through PayPal, Google Checkout, or Authorize.net. Generate printable sales receipts when payments are received.

Collaborate with your employees and customers on projects. Manage project scope; create activities, milestones or even sub-projects to get things done in time. Track and bill time using the timesheets app and get online approvals from customers or managers.

Apptivo lets you do even more in:
Human Resources - Keep employee records, organize employees into teams and track recruitments.
Supply Chain - Enter orders, track inventory and keep records of your distributors, manufacturers or suppliers.
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Términos del Servicio
Apptivo solicitará los permisos que se indican abajo. Más información
Apptivo necesitará acceder a tu cuenta de Google
Con este permiso, Apptivo podrá:
Ver, modificar, compartir y eliminar permanentemente todos los calendarios a los que el usuario puede acceder con Google Calendar
Ver, modificar, descargar y eliminar permanentemente contactos
Administrar la configuración del correo de los usuarios de tu dominio.
Ver información sobre los usuarios de tu dominio
Crear, modificar, organizar y eliminar tareas
Ver la dirección de correo electrónico principal de tu cuenta de Google.
Consultar tu información personal, incluida la que has compartido públicamente
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Edel Garcia
17 de noviembre de 2021
Hi Rajesh. Thank you for your great support today with G Suite integration with Apptivo.
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Un usuario de Apptivo
24 de octubre de 2016
El soporte técnico es bastante cumplidor, sin embargo tiene algunos grises en el contacto con el cliente. La aplicación es bastante buena, algunas cosas no funcionan como deberían pero soporte técnico trata de solucionar el problema.
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