Apptivo Help Desk App manages all problems or issues that your customer incurs. You are able to document the details of their customer problem. Sometimes customers feature requests are also logged here for developing future product or service enhancements.
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Apptivo Cases App manages all problems or issues that your customer incurs. You are able to document the details of their customer problem. Sometimes customers feature requests are also logged here for developing future product or service enhancements.

SLA – Service level agreement
Service level agreement is a service contract where the service is formally defined. You can define your own SLA’s by customizing cases settings. SLA also allows you create events for the customer cases. This also helps employee to follow up customers with workflow rules.

Cases App doesn’t support your business with cases; it comes with many other apps to run your business. All apps are deeply integrated which communicate with one another. Any customer cases can be created as projects and/ or work orders.

Cases Conversion
Case conversion allows you to convert all the case information into a project, you can also add the team to follow up case. Cases can also convert to work order  from where you can schedule an  appointment, provide services  for the case and get the approval from customer.

Custom View of Cases
You can use grouped viewing to set up a view column to show custom fields of cases. The example below shows you a view that groups all fields according to a view column set we created.

Case Highlighting 
Cases are also been highlighted when it meets a specific  criteria.
Email to Case
Emails which are received in the authenticated email account can be collected as a case in Cases App in Apptivo using “Email to Case” option. The email addresses or aliases to receive emails from your customers. In order to receive cases through email, your account requires the premium or enterprise plans.
Incoming email messages are created and stored as cases in Cases App. Once the case is created, the customer will receive the case created acknowledgement email. You can automatically create a case when a customer emails you for support.

Trigger Notifications 
The work flows and automated process can be configured in Apptivo based on required conditions. For instance: When the ticket has been created or updated with the “Priority = High”, Assignee will receive an email notification
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Przeglądanie, edytowanie i trwałe usuwanie Twoich kontaktów
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