Apptoto is a 2-way intercom for your calendar! Easily schedule SMS Text reminders, Email reminders, Call reminders, and reply to messages directly from clients inside of Google Calendar.
Ändrades senast:16 november 2023
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4 tn+
Please note, pricing starts at $39/month.   You can install the app for free and try Apptoto for 14 days.

Apptoto is a fully customizable appointment messaging platform that connects to your existing calendar and address book, finds contact information, and can send SMS, Voice, and Email messages before and after appointments.  It is mainly used to reduce no-shows by up to 90% with automated reminders, but can also be used to send follow-ups, schedule appointments, carry on two-way conversations with new and existing clients, and improve client communication overall!
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Apptoto for Google Calendar behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
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Se den primära e-postadressen för ditt Google-konto
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