Export data from Arbor MIS into Google Sheets, and add security settings if you need to
Дата оновлення:30 жовтня 2021 р.
218 тис.+
Are you a school leader? Do you have large data tasks you want to automate? Do you want quick access to a variety of data?

Arbor’s new add-on for Google Sheets will allow you to pull the bespoke reports you create in Arbor MIS into Google Sheets. This means you’ll be able to:
Manipulate your MIS data further
Bring in other data sources if you need to
Complete larger data tasks using your MIS data 

Plus, the data in the report will automatically update without you having to log into Arbor. 

First collate, aggregate and customise your data in Arbor, then export it into Google Sheets using Arbor’s “Live Feeds”.

To help you manage who can access your data, you can set up authentication for each Live Feed set up. You can also track when each Feed was last accessed. Alongside this, we recommend all our schools take appropriate steps to control access to your Live Feeds using the same methods you would use to safeguard any school data. This means only sharing passwords and data with authorised staff members. 

To find out how to setup and manage Live Feeds, see our help centre: https://support.arbor-education.com/hc/en-us/articles/360008595254-Using-Live-Feeds
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