A comprehensive Google™ CRM solution for managing schedules, leads, tasks, contracts, quotes, sales orders, invoices, email campaigns with centralized data for multi-user access.
Fiche mise à jour le :13 février 2025
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CRM app on Google™ - A comprehensive Sales & CRM solution for managing schedules, leads, tasks, contracts, quotes (Quotations), sales orders, invoices, email campaigns with centralized data for multi-user access, Google Calendar™ integration.
Download Mobile App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.arkdatasolutions.arkprocrm

* Quotation Management | Order Management | Sales Management | Contract Management | Event Management | Real Estate Property Leads.

CRM app accessible from top right Google™ app launcher icon.
•	This CRM app provides the following features:
•	Manage Leads, Tasks, Schedules, Contracts, and More – All in One Place.
•	Real Estate Property Leads with Buyers / Sellers Matching Dashboard.
•	Dashboard for monitoring pending Schedules, Leads, Tasks, Contract Expiry details, Pending Quotes, Sales Circulars, and Pending Invoices.
•	Use your own Google Sheet as a secure, private database with multi-user access.
•	Multi-user access with role-based permissions for centralized sheet data, allowing teams to collaborate with restricted user rights.
•	Customer and Product management, with master data accessible for streamlined operations.
•	Schedule, Lead, and Task management with Open/Closed status tracking, assigned user responsibility, Google Calendar™ updates on save, and email notifications for assigned users.
•	Service Contract management, including tracking of expiry dates and timely updates.
•	Quotation management with multi-line products, the ability to print quotations as PDFs, and options to email PDF copies directly to customers.
•	Sales Order management featuring multi-line product entries, PDF printing, and email options to send order copies to customers.
•	Sales Invoice management, allowing multi-line product entries, PDF generation, and email capabilities for sending invoices.
•	Email Campaign functionality to manage and send targeted email campaigns to customers.
•	Comprehensive reporting, with data-driven insights for better decision-making across schedules, leads, sales, and more.
•	This app integrates Google Calendar™ and email features to streamline CRM operations for your business.

* Customer Relationship Management, Quotation Management (Print Quotation with Company Logo), Order Management (Print Order with Company Logo), Sales Management, Invoice Management, Invoicing Management (Print Invoice with Company Logo), Schedule Management, Lead Management, Task Management, Event Management, Customer Management, Customers Management, Customers Data List, Track Activities, Track Events, Contract Management, Service Contract Reminder, Calendar Reminder, Google Sheets™ CRM, Google Sheets™ Integration, CRM MIS Reports, Sales Circular, Email Notification, Email Notifications, Mass Mailing (Mass Mails, Bulk Emailing, Bulk Emails, Bulk Mailing, Bulk Mails, Mail Campaign, Mailing Campaign, Mail Campaigning), Data convert to Excel, Document Management, Calendar Event Automator, Calendar Events Creator, Sheet to Calendar, Google Sheets™ to Google Calendar™, Schedule, Scheduler, Google Task™, Purchase Order Management, Google™ CRM. Sales & Marketing (Sales and Marketing) features like Salesforce, Zoho, Zoho CRM, SugarCRM, Sugar CRM, VTiger CRM, Sage CRM, Bitrix24, Bitrix24 CRM, Odoo, Odoo CRM, Clickup CRM, Real Estate CRM, Free Real Estate CRM, CRM for Real Estate, Free CRM for Real Estate, CRM for Real Estate Industry, CRM for Real Estate Agency, CRM for Real Estate Agents, CRM for Real Estate Developers, CRM for Builders, CRM for Developers, Tally CRM, Tally.CRM, Tally Integration, CRM for Gmail™ (Gmail™ CRM), CRM for Gmail ™, Sales & CRM, Sales & CRM - Google Workspace Marketplace™, Copper, insightly, Pipedrive, Zendesk, MailChimp, SurveyMonkey, Brevo, Sender, HubSpot, Wix. Also use ARK Pro CRM on Mobile, Android, IOS through web browser.
Google™ Quotation Management, Google™ Order Management, Google™ Sales Management, Google™ Contract Management, Google™ Event Management, Google Workspace™ Quotation Management, Google Workspace™ Order Management, Google Workspace™ Sales Management, Google Workspace™ Contract Management, Google Workspace™ Event Management, Gmail™ Quotation Management, Gmail™ Order Management, Gmail™ Sales Management, Gmail™ Contract Management, Gmail™ Event Management, Google Sheets™ Quotation Management, Google Sheets™ Order Management, Google Sheets™ Sales Management, Google Sheets™ Contract Management, Google Sheets™ Event Management, Google Marketplace™, Google Marketplace™ Add on, Google Workspace™
Informations supplémentaires
TarifsEssai sans frais
Règles de confidentialité
Conditions d'utilisation
ARK Pro CRM for Google™ vous demandera les autorisations ci-dessous. En savoir plus
ARK Pro CRM for Google™ aura besoin d'accéder à votre compte Google
ARK Pro CRM for Google™ pourra ainsi effectuer les actions suivantes :
Afficher vos applications Google Drive
Consulter, modifier, créer et supprimer uniquement les fichiers Google Drive spécifiques que vous utilisez avec cette application
Consulter, modifier, créer et supprimer toutes vos feuilles de calcul Google Sheets
Afficher et gérer les feuilles de calcul dans lesquelles cette application a été installée
Consulter toutes vos feuilles de calcul Google Sheets
Exécuter en tant que module complémentaire Gmail
Envoyer des e-mails en votre nom
Afficher, modifier, partager et supprimer définitivement tous les agendas auxquels vous pouvez accéder dans Google Agenda
Consulter et télécharger tous les agendas auxquels vous avez accès à l'aide de Google Agenda
Afficher et diffuser du contenu Web tiers dans les invites et les barres latérales au sein des applications Google
Vous connecter Ă  un service externe
Autoriser l'exécution de cette application en votre absence
Envoyer des e-mails depuis votre adresse
Créer et mettre à jour des déploiements Google Apps Script
Consulter vos paramètres locaux et linguistiques, ainsi que votre fuseau horaire
Afficher l'adresse e-mail principale associée à votre compte Google
Consulter vos informations personnelles, y compris celles que vous avez choisi de rendre disponibles publiquement
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